Maguey - Melate Signature Box (750ml)
The Signature Box was designed to take you through a wide range of agave species and process variations. From wild mountainous agaves to dry valley agaves, 1.5 single copper pot distillations to clay pot double distillations, we carefully curated an agave spirit line up to take your taste buds and agave-IQ through a comprehensive journey. The only thing these three spirits have in common is that they are 100% artisanal, organic, cooked in traditional earth oven pits, and you can't find a single comparable bottle in the US for less than $100!
About 97% or more of mezcal that hits the US shelves is from the plant Espadín. These bottles of agave distillate belong to the other 3% including a Tobaziche, Madre Cuixe, and a wild Tepextate.
These unaged sipping spirits range from 42-51% alcohol by volume. Each ABV is written by hand as every single bottle is unique depending on where in the lineup it came off the still. Moreover, each batch is fermented naturally by whatever particles were in the air that day, meaning every batch (represented on your bottle by the ‘lote number’) will have a slightly unique flavor from the last, making your Signature Box all the more special and personal. See the review section below to see how we celebrate this phenomenon.
375 mL of maguey Tobaziche (clay pot still)
375 mL of maguey Tepextate (single copper still)
375 mL of maguey Madre Cuixe (1.5 copper still)
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Vintages and ratings subject to change at any time.
All pricing and availability subject to change.
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